Solar Geometry Demonstration Heliodon

Solar Geometry Demonstration Heliodon

The Solar Geometry Demonstration Heliodon was developed because not every architecture school, energy center, or other teaching facility has the space and or money for excellent heliodons like the Sun Simulator or Sun Emulator that can both test models as well as teach solar geometry and solar strategies.  Although, the very inexpensive and small Table-top Heliodon is very good for testing models, it is not good for teaching solar geometry and solar strategies.  Essentially, the Solar Geometry Demonstration Heliodon is a small and very inexpensive version of the Sun Emulator.  Although, it is great at demonstrating solar geometry and some basic solar strategies, it is much too small to test a model.


By having both this Solar Geometry Demonstration Heliodon and the Table-top Heliodon, it is possible to both teach solar geometry and test models very accurately.  However, the combination is not as good as having a Sun Emulator or Sun Simulator type of heliodon, but it is the next best option.


Solar Geometry

Demonstration Heliodon

This heliodon is small, inexpensive, and fairly easy to make.  It is an excellent tool for teaching solar geometry for any place on earth.  Because of its small size and light weight, it is easy to move.  It is best used in conjunction with The Table-top heliodon.

This heliodon must be constructed, since it is not commercially available.  Because it is somewhat delicate, it may be necessary to store it when not in use.  Because of its small size it cannot be used to test models and the number of people watching a demonstration is limited.


Click on the drawing at right to see the complete set of working drawings.  Although, specific dimensions are given, the size could be changed.

Click here to download the drawings.

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